As well ass our designs for the curtain walling for the bus station we have also been asked to create a piece of artwork for one of the walls. The artwork will be 10x3 metres (est.) large.
For my piece i have decided to take influence from 60's psychadellic art.
I researched into 60's posters give me ideas of colours to use. bright colours were used mainly and most posters stuck to 3 colours.
I used this poster as my main influence. Firstly I drew my bus using photoshop, using a photo from google to work from. I then block coloured in my bus using the green and blue from the poster.
Next i put my bus on a photoshop page which was sized 10X3 cm.
I coloured the background in with the same blue. And added lined following the shape of the bus in a red.
One had drawn around the bus I then added a boarder following the same style as the poster.
I then decided to fill in the empty space with text. I went onto and onto the 'Groovy' theme where I found this text. I then changed the colour and added it to my image where I used the "Distort" tool to manipulate the text.
Next i decided to try some other colour options, I found the next poster on google. I really like the colours used and to me, they scream 60's.
Here is my finished piece in the new colours, I think the colours look good together and I may prepare this scheme over the blue and green.
I finished off by adding my text.
For my next design i decided to do it circle form(much like my other bus station designs)
I stuck with pink, yellow and orange. However went for a paler shade of each.
The following poster was my inspiration for my design. I really like the way the circles represent Hendrix's afro.
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