Thursday 26 May 2016

The Abstract Expressionist.

Abstract expressionism is the term applied to new forms of abstract art developed by American painters such as Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Willem de Kooning in the 1940's and 1950's often characterised by gestural brush-strokes or mark marking, and the impression of spontaneity.

Jackson Pollock, was known as the leading force behind the abstract expressionist movement in the art world his radical style of detaching line from colour, redefining the categories of drawing and painting and finding new means to describe pictorial space makes him one of the top influential American painters in the modern art world. From an early age, Pollock was exposed to the Native American culture whilst on surveying trips with his father ( who was a land surveyor for the government). Though he never admitted an intentional imitation or follow of Native American art he did concede that similarities were probably a results of his "early memories and enthusiasms.

Pre Raphaelite.
very British, nice and pretty
traditional and non-offensive.
came after Raphael and Michelangelo.
Perspective paintings.- aesthically pleasing
High renaissance

why are they called the pre raphlaelites and who are they and what are they?
who is Raphael.
medevil times and are

The Pre-Raphaelites were a secret society of young artists (and one writer), founded in London in 1848. They were opposed to the Royal Academy’s promotion of the ideal as exemplified in the work of Raphael

The name Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood referred to the groups’ opposition to the Royal Academy’s promotion of the Renaissance master Raphael. They were also in revolt also against the triviality of the immensely popular genre painting of time.
Inspired by the theories of John Ruskin, who urged artists to ‘go to nature’, they believed in an art of serious subjects treated with maximum realism. Their principal themes were initially religious, but they also used subjects from literature and poetry, particularly those dealing with love and death. They also explored modern social problems.
Its principal members were  William Holman HuntJohn Everett Millais, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. After initial heavy opposition the Pre-Raphaelites became highly influential, with a second phase of the movement from about 1860, inspired particularly by the work of Rossetti, making major contribution to symbolism.


For centuries Raphael has been recognised as the supreme High Renaissance painter, more versatile than Michelangelo and more prolific than their older contemporary Leonardo
Raphael's example as a paragon of classicism dominated the academic tradition of European painting until the mid-19th century.

Raphael was an Italian Renaissance painter and architect. He was born in Urbino, which at the time was a cultural centre that encourage the Arts. His father, Giovanni Santi, was a painter for the Duke of Urbino, Federico da Montefeltro. Raphael's father taught him basic painting techniques and exposed him to the principles of humanistic philosophy at the Duke of Urbino's court before his death in 1494, Raphael was just 11 years old. He then took over the job of managing his fathers workshop,Raphael was soon considered one of the finest painters in town as a teen was commissioned to paint for the Church of San Nicola in the neighbouring town of Castello.

1950's Design.

Atomic Age- space age.

Festival Of Britain- a national exhibition held in the summer of 1951. Organised by the government to give the British a feeling of recovery in the aftermath of war and to promote British contribution to science, technology, industrial design,  architecture and the arts.  

Bakerlite- a synthetic plastic

FMP- Artist

Louise McNaught is a fine art artist who focuses on animals and nature within her work. Bright neon colours , similar to those used for highlighters, are used to bring the viewers attention towards the animal and its presence.Her mixed-media approach is motivated by emotive and spiritual experiences, the animals present in her work are often displayed in a lifted state, without context or background space, where she means to show man's destruction of nature, what is happening to the animal and also how we feel psychologically about the effects humans have on animals.

Dripping paint makeup idea

As part of my work for my FMP I want to do a photoshoot, using my research on artist Louise McNaught I want to do something that involved bright paint running down similar to the way she does ,on a person.
A quick search on google led me to the following images.

I love the way the paint stands out against the models , in particular the model who's face has been made to be a blank canvas by erasing all the other pigments and hair.I also really like the effect of the paint running from the eyes like tears.

Thursday 19 May 2016

FMP Brief.

For my FMP I will be researching into animal cruelty in the fashion and beauty industry.
I will create posters/ a series of photos ,that bring awareness to it/ speak up against it.

I will look to create prints to go onto the clothes that will be featured in the photoshoot.

For inspiration behind my work I will be looking into avant garde and the abstract expressionist movement.
Some artist within these movement that I will look into are Jackson Pollock who uses dripping paint to create his art and .....

Within avant garde I will be looking more specifically into the visual arts, fashion and makeup. Both of the time and contemporary imitations.

For my experimentation I will be looking into mixed media: drawing/painting/sewing over fashion and beauty adverts/ photos I have taken/fine art drawings,  as well as creating collages.
I also want to look into typography as another way to get the message across on my posters. Seeing how bold and bright text speaks up against controversial images. Also seeing if I can get the balance between the two.
I will also experiment with both shocking and disturbing art versus more subtle, metaphorical images. To see how the former faces against the art that takes a second to fully understand, and puts the issue into a perspective, rather than being in-your-face shocking and real. And which sticks more with a person.

To accompany my research into known artists I will also be looking into current advertisements and work being done by organisations such as PETA. To see how they get awareness across using modern techniques such as photoshop and on social media. See how this favours against the more 'traditional' techniques I want to work in.

To fully understand this topic I will be looking into the 'advantages' of animal testing and for animal cruelty campaigns. Though I will be going into this with obvious biasness I still thinks its important to look at both sides of the story and I think I can spin some of the points made to further my against side.

After investigating the circumstances in which animals are treated I've decided, for my self, to go full cruelty free and vegetarian. I will document my journey on my blog talking about the meals I eat (with pictures), cruelty free products that I am using and discussing my thoughts and feeling throughout the process as well as how the people around me react ( for example, my friends and family).

Wednesday 11 May 2016

fmp references

Thursday 5 May 2016

Air Pollution in China

Over the past seven years, levels of particulate matter in Beijing's air averaged nearly five times the recommended daily level set by the World Health Organisation, according to data from a monitoring station at the US embassy.
he medical implications of sustained exposure to particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5) are sobering. A study by Greenpeace and scientists at Peking University based on 2013 data attributed more than 257,000 premature deaths in 31 Chinese cities to PM2.5, making it a bigger killer than smoking.
Awareness of the dangers of Beijing's skies is on the rise, due to growing data on its air quality. Anyone can monitor pollution using apps providing hourly updates of PM2.5 levels, based on government or US embassy readings.

Refences for mock FMP