Tuesday 22 September 2015

Unit Content.

1. Know how to gather information and use it to select progression goals.
Gather information: from sources eg. first hand information, visits, visiting speakers, written responses, work experience, printed, reports, emails, blogs, websites, handbooks, brochures, prospectuses, directories.

Self Progression goals: eg. Personal qualification, skills, attributions, personal aspirations, options, lifestyle, finical constraints eg. fees, grants, loans, sponsorship.

2. Be able to prepare and present a portfolio of art, craft or design work.

Prepare a portfolio: objectives eg. personal work, work for presentation, interview, progression goals; Show evidence eg. abilities, experience, specific to objectives; Portfolio contents eg. organisation, format, layout, arrangement, drawings, printouts, digital; presentation eg. mounting, protection, ordering, audience, front screen, legibility, labelling, supporting statements.

3. Be able to prepare written material to support progression.

Prepare written materials; Curriculum , letters of application, speculative letters of application; personal statements; application forms.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

My Brand.

For my unit 50: Informative Graphics, brand ID I have decided to creative a beauty brand named after myself Sarah Szalma , I have done this with links to iconic brand such as Chanel , Dior and YSL named after designers Coco Chanel, Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent respectively. In doing so I hope to give of the impression that my products are of the highest quality and standard to which the brands I mentioned are. 

 My products will consist of a lipstick,  a eye shadow quad and a bronzer/ highlighter duo with a box for all the products to go into.

I will also do advertising for this ( using photoshop i will put my products and brand name on to a billboard. 

Research wise I have/will be looking into inconic brands such as Chanel , Dior, YSL etc , their logos, campaigns, collections, packaging and advertisers to get to the bottom of what makes them them household names in the fashion industry.
I will then be looking into popular beauty brands such as MAC, urban decay, Charlotte Tilbury, Estée Lauder etc and how they have established themselves in the beauty market, their logos ,packaging and so on.

By doing this I feel like it can help me create a brand that in reality could be competitors to this existing brands as they all have such high standards for their products and are constantly having to keep up with the ever changing trends in the industry.


Here I have look fonts for my brand name. I have decided to call my beauty brand Saz( I haven't yet decided the name of the collection)

Firstly I chose all the fonts from Adobe Illustrator which I liked for my brand, I then manipulated them by selecting the font, choosing Create Outline and then Ungroup, this meant I could change each letter separately.

Illustrator Font:

Here I have rearranged the letters to overlapped vertically, similar to the Yves Saint Laurent logo.
I like this font for its simplicity yet with the serifs it stills looks high end. 

Here I did something similar with a sans-serif font, i am not too keen on this one as I think it looks a bit naff. 

With this font I simply created more space between each letter , I love this font I think it  gives of the impression of affluence which is what i want to go for. I also like the way the S and the Z look almost like reflections of each other.

Dafont.com Fonts:

These are font that I got from the website Dafont

The serif type face of this text gives it an affluent feel to it, similar to fonts that are connected to high end fashion brands and magazines. Personally I like the the 'tall and thin' look of the font.

Again , similar to the one above however this is a bolderversion of the font. I think that this would stand out a lot more on the packaging. 

     I found these two sans-serif fonts very interesting, I like the way the 'A' is slanted giving it a more modern touch that the previous fonts I have looked at, however I think for my product that it wouldn't be suited very well.


When creating a brand it is important to have an effective strategy which gives you a major edge in the increasingly competitive markets today. Your brand is your promise to a customer. It entails 
what they(your customers) can expect from your products and services and what differentiates your offerings from your competitors.
A brand is derived from who your are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.

Equity means how ,what, where,  when and whom you plan on communicating and delivering your brand message. 

Strategic branding is where brands can add value more to their projects then unbranded products.
For example Coca-cola can charge more for their products because it has built a powerful brand equity, and people will pay more for Coco-cola than they would for a generic fizzy drink.

Emotional attachment:
Nike associates it's products with star athletes therefore customers will transfer their emotional attachment from the athlete to the product, for Nike its not just the shoe's features tha sell the shoe, it's the person endorsing it. 
 In my case, my product is part of the   beauty industry , so getting the 'It girl" or a person that's admired by my target audience( female teens to adults) to endorse the product would boose the sales as my customers will but the products as they want to be more like the role model endorsing the products , 
Some real life examples of this
 Cara Delevingne is the face of YSL beauty and Burberry.
Gigi Harid is the face of Topshop.
Taylor swift was the face of Cover Girl.

Branding is a ' promise delivered" and marketing is ' The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably" 
Quoted from The Chartered Institute of marketing.

So whilst branding helps to communicate the promise.Marketing is what you do to get your promise or message to your customers while your brand is how you keep the promise made though delivery to customers and colleagues.

The science side of this links to Neuroaesthetics
Research shows that humans are constantly in a state of aesthetic appraisal, with beauty at its center. 
When processing attractive visual information the rewards systems are activated giving us a feeling of gratification and euphoria. Simultaneously, other neurone responsible for memory and specific experiences are being engaged , creating subjectivity.
Our perception of aesthetics is both scientific and personal. 
 Symmetry and the golden ratio more appealing.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Ovid's Metamorphosis

Picking up with Europa's abduction, Jove reveals his identity to the girl and heads for Crete. Meanwhile, Europa's father, Agenor, tells his son, Cadmus, to seek his sister and never return until he finds her. Cadmus goes to Apollo for help, and the god tells him to found a new city called Boeotia. Cadmus locates the site for his city and sends attendants to fetch water for a libation to Jove, but they are killed after disturbing a serpent sacred to Mars. Cadmus finds his dead friends and slays the serpent. Pallas Athena appears and tells Cadmus to plant the serpent's teeth: he does so, giving rise to a race of warriors. All but five kill one another in battle, but those five, along with Cadmus, found the city of Thebes. 
Many years later, Cadmus' grandson Actaeon is hunting with some friends, when he accidentally comes upon Diana bathing. Unable to access her bow and arrow, Diana takes vengeance His friends' dogs catch sight of him and his friends give chase, untimately killing Actaeon. The gods discuss Actaon's fate, and Juno is glad that Europa's relative was killed. But now her envy has turned on another, Semele, who bears Jove's child. Juno goes to Semele disguised as Semele's own nurse, Beroe, and convinces Semele that Jove should reveal the full extent of his powers to her. Semele gets Jove to promise her anything, and then asks to see him in all his power. Unable to undo his promise or her request, Jove kills her with the sight of him. He removes their son from her womb and sews him up in his own thigh, where he is carried to term. The child is born Bacchus, and is raised by the nymphs of Mount Nysa.

Diana - goddess of hunt moon and childbirth
Actaeon is hunting with his friends and is looking for fresh spring water and finds diana bathing in a cave with her nymphs , she gets mad , splashes him with the water and turns him into a stag he then gets chased by his dogs who pick up his scent and he is killed whilst being cheered by his friends who are happy about the good hunt though they do wonder where Actaeon is.