Monday 15 December 2014

LSG: University Prospectus

Here I have photographed some of the many Univeristy prospectus' that I own , i have focused on the front covers off each prospectus, rather then the actual university. Looking at the graphics that each prospectus has on its front covers.

Looking at these I can see how graphic designers have influence modern day designs for example Neville Brody's technique of different sized/colour font to make words stand out can be seen in many of the prospectus'.

When looking at each prospectus I can see how some Univeristies went for a simplistic and minimalist approach (Norwhich, Westminister, Bath Spa , Liverpool and London college of contempory arts for example) using just a few words or small images against white or brightly coloured backgrounds. Royal holloway , Falmouth , Southhampton and Leeds college of arts however, used photographs/artwork scaled to the full size of the booklet as to capture the attention of the viewer with only a small amount of text (normally just the Univeristies logo) which strongly contrasts the minimalist approach.

The Univeristy of Essex and London Met used just text on their front covers. Both uni's took a very different approach to it however with Essex using white text against a black cover and the same font and size was used through out most of the cover with certain words or phases highlighted in silver( some of these Include 'Challenge inequality' , 'You're a member' and 'Courage and Energy' ) Which shows they wanted to convey a strong meaning. 
London metroplitian Univeristy however used bold colours( bright pink, purple and teal) with bold sans-serif typography in white and yellow saying simply "Under Graduate Prospectus 2015-16". 

Both Falmouth and Leeds college of art used (what I assume to be) artworks of the students for their front covers (this makes sense as they're art based universities). Leeds went for a collage effect while Falmouth bold paintings.

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