Monday 29 June 2015


Today we went to Nottingham Trent Univeyto see the end of year show.

Overal I was very impressed, The fashion students work was amazing and very inspirational. I loved the way it was organized and how they had they're own mini shop. They're individual style was clear as was their inspiration.
The finished pieces were to a such a high standard I would expect to see them in on the high street.

Some that particular stood out to me were the plastic macs with built it oxygen mask , theses were displayed as you first walk in and on first seeing them I immediately wanted one! I though they were beautiful and very in fashion , I then went upstairs to were the sketchbooks, research and samples were displayed and found that the girl who made them took inspiration from the obvious pollution our planet is consumed by -and she had designed a fashionable way for humans to be able to breathe properly. I loved how she used her work to not only create amazing and intricate designs but to raise awareness for an environmental issue.

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