Monday 6 July 2015

Alice in wonderland , Photoshopping and final mag.

For my Alice in wonderland project I have decided to create (part of) a magazine.  I have now done my research and my Photoshoot , the next stage is for me to photoshop my images and build the magazine.

Here I have adddd screenshots of some of the techniques I have used the create the effect for my pictures.

Here I have added various Photo filters to see what kind of effect they give the photos. I added both warming and cooling effects to this image before decided which I prefer.

Here I have put the same photo which two different effects next to each other to see which I prefer.

Once I chose an effect for the photos it was time to add my magazine title.
This is an image I made in the early stages of this project , I used an image of Alice from Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland , I added my title to the image to see how it would.

Now it was time to add it to my own photo.
I looked at various colours before deciding to stick with black.

I decided that I wanted my front cover to be more interesting. I decided to do a 'trippy' double photo effect ( one that I have seen during my research) 

The first time I did this , my photo was quite sepia and warmed tone. I really liked how it turned out however I thought to try out different tones.

Here I used the Curves tool on Ohotoshoo to make the image more brighter, I love how this turned out , giving the Polaroid effect to the image which I used for my other photos .

Moving on from that image i then used a green photo filter to make as I wanted to bring out the green of the trees.

Adding a warm layer to this I then I added my double photo effect. To do this I duplicated my background layer, added the effects and then took down the opacity of the top layer and moved the layer slightly to the right.

For my final image I wanted it to appear more 'vintage' to do this I made my top layer very warm. This gave it a slight brown tiny however the green was still visible.

I then did the same to my back cover photo.

These are my final pages , they consist of my edited image( for all of them I used th curved took to brighten) and an overview of the character/ story. I found that they was a lot of empty space so I then picked out they're best qoute and added it In a very graphic-artist way to the page .

Overall I am pleasantly surprised. Personally I think it looks really quite good and very professional. I have to say I am quite proud of my self , I can't deny i didn't wait to the last minute to finish it and I do wish I had started it sooner as I feel I probably good of improved it.
However, I love the simplicity and the image on one side with the text on the other. I think the quotes in the large font really do complete and it really speaks of the characters. I love the images of Alice and the rabbit , both against the wall of flowers with the sun in the right corner and  it has the Polaroid style that I wanted originally.
I feel if I had started earlier / had more time then I would like to have had more characters such as the queen of hearts and the Mad hatter, they would of been a delightful edition to it . I would have had more images to play around with and the magazine would look more complete.

I have to say seeing the final outcome , I actually quite enjoyed doing this project and making the magazine, though a stressful and , in times, a spontaneous journey , was a lot of fun. 
I am excited to see it printed and put together and to hear what others think of my magazine.

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