Wednesday 1 July 2015

Bus station designs

Here are my finished Vinyl manifestations for the new bus station in workshop.

This is one of the ones that I have sent off to the architect, it depicts the savoy cinema in worksop.

This design did not make the cut , however this was the first of my Tree designs so this largely inspired me for my other designs.

This is one of my designs which doesn't represent anything, purely aesthetically reason. This isn't one of my final ones , however It is the base for one of my other designs.

This design is a more stylized version of the Major oak,I thought about the texture of the tree rather than the grandness of its structure.This is not one of my final designs.

For this design I wanted a very simply yet effect design , the idea originally came from my research into the Major oak. It is also one of my final designs.

Another of my designs that have been deemed suitable , this is the final of my 'tree' designs , 

This is another of my savoy designs, The background was inspired by my research on Art Deco, though it didn't make the cut , I still quite like it.

For this design I thought I would do a more geometric view of the savoy rather than a stylized version.

This design was based on the trees in the Doctore Suess film The Lorax, I thought it was simple yet quirky. 

This is the final of the 'circle' designs, I added the tree last minute as there was a lot of empty space , overall though I think it's a good , interesting design. 

This is the final design I have sent off, and I think it's the most effective out of all of them. The sky was taken from my research of Art Deco which I think goes with the bus station very well (as that was the basis of the station) I think it's interesting to look at and not so stylized that people won't understand it.

Overall I happy with all my designs I have done , though some may be better than others , I feel like they are quirky and interesting. They all depict something that is special to Bassetlaw ,yet are simply enough to be printed onto the glass. 

I really look forward to see which I are chosen for the final bus station, to see what they look like printed out and most importantly to find out the publics view on not only my own own but the rest of the class as we have all worked so hard and put in a lot of thought and effort into our designs. 

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