Thursday 19 February 2015

Peace Room evaluation

To start of for the peace room project our first task was to draw a circle anywhere on the page and paint around the circle. This was my out come , initially I imagine it to be like a whirlpool of some sorts; with the blue and white swirling around the middle and when it came to colouring in the circle I decided to go for yellow tones to create the sun, I then incorporated this into the blue. I quite like this outcome as I feel it pulls the viewer into the painting.
another piece which I did about painting around a circle this time though I imagined the circle to be the moon and painting a night sky with stars. I quite like that you are able to see the brush strokes and how the blue and black aren't completely blended in together.
For this piece I firstly used a ruler the randomly drew interlocking lines, I then simply coloured then in using block colours and added the black to separate them.

For this piece we were simply given measurements of a shape and had to to work out how they fit together to create the shape above.For this i focused more on aesthetically pleasing rather then a hidden meaning. I decided to use an ombré affect( purple to red to yellow) and painted the shape a gradient of black to white to make it the focal point of the piece. I really like the way to gradients came out and I used this technique for my final piece.

Here I did some experimenting for my final piece using the 'splatter paint' technique. To start with I painted the page red and used black and white to splatter, to experiement more I then used these colours again but having the black and white as the background. I really like the way these turned out and I think the 'splatter technique' is really eye-catching.

Keeping with the paing splatter idea I decided to experiment more with it by use different colours (pink,purple,blue,black,grey and red) and splat the paint until none of the white of the page could be seen. Though I prefer the other peices better , I decided that I like the blue,pink and purple better then the black , red and white.
Working with a friend, we decided to experiment with different shades of colours.As we were working together we decided the upscale and stuck together 4 A3 pieces of paper. We then began our painting uses various shades of each coulor we created out gradient master piece. I am really happy with how this came our , I think it's definitely aesthetically pleasing and I particularly like the way the painting isn't 'smooth' and all blended together.
Moving forward from our last piece we both decided we loved the blue tones best and created another outcome using the blues and greens in the same technique.

Working independently again , I chose the colours pink ,blue and purple for my final piece and experiemented blending them together. I like these colours as I feel they are calming and fun without being overbearing and harsh.
Once again I experimented with my chosen colous, this time I did them on separate sheets of paper and used my paintbrush in various angles , not really mixing the colours together , kind of technique. 
Moving forward from this I decided j wanted the colours more pastle as I though they were too strong otherwise therefore adding lots of white to my pallette I used the colours to create a gradient of pastle colours. I am very happy with how this turned out and this is a lot like the background to my final piece.
Now I have established a background of sorts I went back to expeirmenting. For this I used tape to make out the cross sign and used a slightly different paint splatter technique where I held my paint brush closer to the page and let the paint drop off the brush.
Further experimenting. One the first one I once again used the tape m, but in stead of splattering, I 'sploged' the paint one to the page. In the second one I used blue with purple splat , simply to see how it would turn out(colour wise) and for the last I used a pallette knife.

This peice resembles my final piece a lot, I painted the page pink and used white grey and purple splats. I really like how this turned out however I think I do prefer the gradient background rather then just one colour.

And here is my final peice. As you can see I did splatter too much as I didn't want it to be to overbearing, especially with the background.I really love how this came out! on the canvas the background turned out smoother then it did on paper but I think this worked out even better as the colours really complement each other.I decided to add white to it to break up the pinks and blues which I think worked really well. I think the piece is elegant as it's not too much.The background is calming with the blue with the pink warming up the painting. I feel this will look fantastic on a white wall and I hope it brings peace and serenity to the people who will see it.

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